

Bio Agri Energies France - Agricole Biogas

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Bio Agri Energies France - Agricole Biogas - Photo 1
Bio Agri Energies France - Agricole Biogas - Photo 2
Bio Agri Energies France - Agricole Biogas - Photo 3
Bio Agri Energies France - Agricole Biogas - Photo 4
Bio Agri Energies France - Agricole Biogas - Photo 5

Harnessing biogas from organic waste to produce low-carbon energy, reduce emissions, and benefit local communities.

This biogas project gathers eight farmers, and is able to produce up to 400 normal cubic meters per hour (Nm3/h), heating more than 5,000 local households with low-carbon energy every year. Key results:The project avoids more than 34,000 tonnes of CO2 within five years by replacing natural gas consumption.The site can produce up to 34 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of clean energy, answering the needs of over 5,000 households.More than 19,000 tonnes of waste upcycled to produce energy.Natural gas represents 20% of France's greenhouse gas emissions. Biogas reduces the carbon footprint by 90% for the same usage. Biogas aims to represent 7% of the consumption of gas by 2030 and 20% by 2050, but today only represents 0.9%. The project site produces biogas through methanation, also referred to as anaerobic digestion. This process is especially environmentally interesting because it does not only produce clean energy, it also treats organic waste (mostly agricultural waste), and produces organic fertilizer (in the form of digestate). The project needs additional funding to increase the overall production of the site to maximum capacity, finance the 284,467€ inflation on the project's initial cost due to the energy crisis (electricity and feedstock inputs), and upgrade the installation and design to improve its efficiency. Carbon avoidance and co-benefits indicators are verified every year by an accredited auditor: ISO 17029 (Finexfi for 2022).

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Project certifications

Offset projects requires all projects on the marketplace to have its methodology, project design, and outcomes verified by an approved third party. For more on our project vetting and onboarding process, review our Trust and Safety Framework.

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Riverse is a carbon credit certification standard for Greentech projects in Europe.

Project Highlights

Creates local educational opportunities

Improves community environmental literacy

Creates local job opportunities

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 7

Affordable and Clean Energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Goal 8

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Goal 17

Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

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